We're down to the wire, folks! As many of you know,
Rumblepurr is one of the ten finalists in the New Zealand Top Cat Model contest. As of Sunday, he was the cat who had raised the most for animal charities. Along with two other cats from Wellington, Darwin and Omar, he was featured in the Newspaper, the Dominion Post!

We hope that got him some needed publicity, because some of the other contestants had been featured on television and in the paper, and after that they got quite a lot more votes.
Rumbles was #1 in terms of votes on August 2nd:

but then after the publicity for some of the other cats, he slipped to #3.

Now the voting results are not being publicized during the final week of voting so we have no way of knowing how he is doing. If you want to follow the Facebook page about the competition, you can do so
here . You don't have to be on Facebook to do so.
Rumbles and his brother Inigo have been two of my good friends since shortly after I started blogging 11 months ago. I am sure all the kitties in the contest are deserving in different ways, but I am supporting Rumbles and I really want him to win. He is the only one of the kitties in the contest who is a regular blogger in "our circle", and he and his Mum have such good hearts, always leave the sweetest comments for everybody and think of others before themselves. It is, after all, in order to raise funds for the New Zealand SPCA and the Wellington Cat Protection League that Rumbles entered the competition in the first place. His Mum has been baking and having bake sales at her work to help to raise some of the donations. They are so nice about the other kitties in the competition and did a super blog post about Sooty, who is now one of Rumbles' main competitors for the top spot!

So what can we do to help Rumbles in his quest to become Top Cat Model? I know many of you have voted and voted with all your email addresses, but I bet you may have another email address somewhere. For example, my Mom's email account is with mac.com, and for that account she is allowed a bunch of aliases (5, I think) and also every address can be either mac.com or me.com at the end. She also remembered she has a yahoo ID, which means a yahoo email address, even though she never reads it. Same with Dad! And my human sister and brother have a couple of email addresses also so we are going to ask them to help give Rumbles a final push over the top. YOU CAN VOTE ONCE WITH EVERY VALID EMAIL ADDRESS. It is not required to make a donation to vote, but if you wish to do so, that would be lovely. I know that many of you have done so already. But if you can get your thinking caps on, kitties, I bet we can get Rumbles some more votes. VOTING ENDS AUGUST 12TH AND REMEMBER, NEW ZEALAND IS ABOUT A DAY AHEAD OF THE USA so we msut do it before the 11th!!!!! So do it now!
HERE is where you go to vote, or click on the Rumbles Button on my sidebar.
Daisy did a lovely blog post for Rumbles yesterday.
Dash Kitten has also been working hard to post about Rumbles on his blog.
Whiskr and his Mum have donated a beautiful pendant she made, for Rumbles to
award as a prize for one of the cats/people who votes for him.

Isn't it amazing?
Rumbles, Mom and I hope you do become the next New Zealand Top Cat Model, but even if you don't, in our eyes you and Inigo will always be Top Cats.