Happy Valentine's Day to all!
Inigo of Rumblebum has made up a new award, called the "Hi My Name Is" award. I think it is a wonderful idea, and just in the right spirit for Valentine's Day. Here are the rules:
This award must
be given to two blogs that you have not visited before. Once you've found two new blogs, you need to post in their comments:
(1) a big hello and something that you like about their blog
(2) that they've won this award from your blog
(3) a link back to your blog so they can collect the award and pass it along to two bloggers, who will then pass it along to two bloggers, etc, etc.
This way we can meet all kinds of cool new cats and doggies and humans!!
I have chosen the following two cat blogs that I had never been to before, and as soon as I have posted this I will go and post in their comments according to the rules.
The Monkeys - Samson and Delilah look like they would be great to get to know. Samson is a tuxie who is very floofy like me, and Delilah is a gorgeous tortie girl. They live in Montreal, Canada, and it is a great idea to make friends with Canadians now during the Winter Olympics.
Noll's Nip Noll and his brother Tiggy have a great story about how they were found and both have ginger genes in them like me (Noll is much lighter in color than Tiggy and I think there is some meezer in them too).
Thanks Inigo for the idea!