Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday Selfie

Friends, I know I have been MIA for a while:  here is a Sunday Selfie to celebrate the beautiful Sunday we have here today.      Dad is busy working on staining our deck, otherwise I would show you myself out there enjoying the whiffies.

Instead you get me with some slightly annoyed ears.     I don't know what I was annoyed about when I took my selfie - probably the flashie focus light.  

Once again, I am joining with The Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for today's blog hop.  


  1. It's good to see you Simba, even with grumpy ears!! xxx

  2. Annoyed or not, we love your selfie! Enjoy your Sunday!

  3. You don't look annoyed, you look cute :)

  4. My human gets those ears sometimes when she photographs me.

  5. Just think about how nice that deck will be when your daddy is finished with it. You can curl up and take a nap in a sun puddle and whiff the breeze. Great selfie.

  6. Hello Simba. Cleo, Elvis Catstello and Guinness say hey!

  7. That's a darn good selfie and you look most handsome pal!

  8. Sorry, but w think you look just FINE!! I know the selfie 'victim' never likes their picture but we insist you look GORGEOUS.

  9. That's a handsome selfie, Simba, even with annoyed ears. :)

  10. Hi Simba! It is really great to see you again! You look so gorgeous in your selfie! I didn't even notice the ears. I'm glad you had a lovely day!

  11. look very handsome to us and just the itsy bit annoyed. We all get that way sometimes. We are so happy that didn't keep you from joining the blog hop. Have a great week. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. You look great, Simba. Even if your ears are annoyed. :)

  13. Wonderful selfie, Simba! The ears just accentuate your handsomeness!

  14. You do look kinda miffed there, Simba!
