Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday Selfie Needing Caption

I am joining the Cat on My Head for Sunday Selfies.      But my selfie needs a caption.  Can you help?

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in the USA.    We remember not only Americans, but all who have sacrificed and died, everywhere, for the sake of freedom.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday Selfie

I am joining the blog hop hosted by The Cat on My Head again today, with my latest selfie.     I am sticking very close to Mom since they returned home, so it was not hard for "us" to get a closeup selfie yesterday.

Friday, May 22, 2015

I Showed Them

KITTIES!!   My humans abandoned me for two whole weeks!     julie came and fed me and saw to my litterbox etc, and she was very nice, even worth some purring.    Pretty good for a cat caretaker.    But two weeks is too long not to have anyone to carry me around, or to snuggle up to at night.  When I walked around complaining to be picked up, there was nobody to do that.     And I got no BRUSHIES!! (Mom thought I might try to put the bitey on Julie if they asked her to brush me)

So I decided to show them my disapproval by horking up an extra large hairball:  

(Dad's spectacles shown for size comparison).

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wordy Widebody Wednesday Redux

Kitties, Mom thought she would look back to see what I posted my very first Wordless Wednesday post.   It was on 9/30/09 and titled Wordless Widebody Wednesday.     I think I am quite a bit thinner now than I was then.  

We did not realize that I had been writing this blog since 2009!!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday Selfie

First, I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who told us that we can just skip the "Prove you are not a robot" step when commenting.   It is so FREEING!

Here is my selfie for their Sunday.    I am joining the kitties blue at The Cat on My Head  for today's blog hop.