Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chair Sharing

Audrey and I have finally, after 1 1/2 years here together, started being willing to share a little.   Case in point:  the chair Dad set up by the window for Audrey.    It has our catnip quilt on it now and we both enjoy using it to get closer to the window to look out at things.    Especially when it was snowy, we noticed the little birds in the bushes.      Here are two different takes on Cat on Chair:

We hope there aren't too many of our friends affected by the latest snowy weather in the middle of the country.    Dad is flying to see the Baby and other family members tomorrow, and though snow is not a big problem either here or there, he was warned his flight might be canceled because of where the plane would be coming FROM.     We do wish the airline could keep a couple of extra planes around, especially as our airport is a hub for the airline he is using.   Sigh.    (do cats sigh?)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fresh Air Whiffies

We're still waiting for Spring here, and it looks like that groundhog was wrong, because there's no sign of it.   Today is supposed to be a mixture of freezing rain and rain, but we are sure glad not to be getting the snowstorm that hit the midwestern US!      

We got out for a little fresh air whiffies the other day and enjoyed it for a short while.   But we would REALLY like a  nice warm day!

Enjoy your Caturday, everybody!  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Monday

We are hoping for spring to start soon, because the groundhog apparently said it would, but round our house it has continued to be cold, and we have had several extra bits of snow since the big storm.  Not a lot, 1/2 inch to 1 inch amounts, but it keeps reminding us it is still definitely winter.   Dad shoveled a walkway all the way round the deck edge for us, and piled the snow into the middle, so we still have a mound of snow in the center of the deck, not quite as high as this picture shows.    We only go out for very short whiles, then right back in.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

To all our furriends  and human  family:

Wishing you happy hearts today on Valentine's Day.   With headbutts and nosekissies from us both.

Our Valentine's Day graphic was done by the wonderful Mr Puddy's Mom for us.     We were one of the winners of a drawing he had on his blog where the prize was a graphic done by his Mom for our next special occasion.  What better occasion than Valentine's Day?  We think she did a really awesome job.    Thank you so much PuddyMom!   And if you have not visited his blog yet, he has a Kissing Booth for today.   Payment needs to be in cat food, because he is on a diet.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting Ready for Valentine's Day

As I am sure all you kittehs know, Valentine's Day is coming up!     We changed our blog backgrounds to Valentine colors!    We have one thing for Valentine's Day that we will post today and another one on Thursday.

The first is to help our Baby (sister to Audrey, niece to Simba?) aww, just Our Baby - to celebrate her very first Valentine's Day.     She is super precious to all our family and we love her to bits.   Since the Valentine our humans mailed to her hasn't arrived yet, this really should be her very first Valentine.

There is a lovely story linked to this graphic.     A few days ago, Zoolatry's Ann posted pictures of HER very first Valentines on their blog.    They were absolutely beautiful vintage Valentines from the 1940's.     Mom posted a comment for us about them, and Ann says it inspired her to make this one for us using pictures from our blog.   Ann, thank you SO much.     You are awesome!  

Baby Girl, we love you, we miss you (and so do Mom and Dad) and we all hope we see you again soon!    Happy Happy First Valentine's Day to you and your Mama and Daddy.    OXOXOXOXO

Saturday, February 9, 2013

"We Haz Plenty Snow" Saturday

It snowed all day yesterday and part of last night.    Surprisingly, because the snow was light, it isn't much more than a foot, probably 14 inches.   Now that the sun is coming out it is looking pretty.  

 Our front steps and bushes

 The azalea bush is pretty overloaded!

 Our neighbors' Evergreen tree reminds us of a Christmas card tree.

Dad getting started with the snowblower on the driveway - this kind of snow if perfect for that masheen!

Perfect lying around weather for cats!

Mom likes the patterns of the snow the way it blew up against the deck bars.

The fevvers were sitting in the snow on the cover for the bird feeder.   

Enjoy whatever weather you have at your house today!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Gotcha! Mousie.  You are dedded.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Sunday

Kitties!    Today is the big game!    You know we are both tabby cats and members of the Tabby Cat Club, right?   WELL, Gracie and Raz are hosting the most amazing party for Super Bowl Sunday over at the Tabby Cat Club blog.    And it has awesome foods, great spirit items to wear for either team, and will be awesome fun.      And all are invited - you do not have to be a tabby cat or member of the club to attend!


Well, whatcha waiting for?