Kitties, Miss Katie Isabella has given us an award! She calls them "awardies" so we will too (isn't she the cutest girl cat?).
It is the Blog of the Year Award.
Here is how this one works. You don't have to DO anything like tell stuff about yourself but you send it back to the cat who sent it to you and then to as many other friends as you like. Anybody can get it up to 6 times and each time you get it, you add another yellow star filled in (we don't know HOW to do that yet but hope we will learn *). We have added our stars up to 5. C'mon, kitties, somebody get us up to six! Later: we did it!
We are going to pass this one to:
Katie Isabella
Pikku Pinapippuri and siblings
Chey, Gemini and Ichiro
The Poupounette
Bugsy and Knuckles
Brian and siblings
Katnip Lounge Kats
Ms Stella O'Houligan
Katz Tales
*Here is a link to the blog starting out this award, with all the badges with the different numbers of stars.