Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meow Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy there, Mateys! Captain Simbad here. Aboard my pirate ship the Sea Dragon.

Ready to make all my captives walk the plank. Then we will stash the loot, swab the decks, and batten down the hatches.

Swig a glass of rum! Ye landlubbers, ye'll find yer sea legs soon.

Let's haul wind into the sunset. Arrrrr!


  1. Like your ship... I might have to board it...

  2. Ahoy there, we like to watch a good plank walking.

  3. We be joinin' ye on yer next adventure! No walkin' the plank fer us! Yo ho ho and a bottle of catnip rum!! Arrrrrr!!!
