This is my 250th post! Can you believe it? So this is a special gardening post for that reason.
Today I thought I would show you my new catgrass plant. I haven't had any over the summer, because it has been so very hot. But with a few cooler days, Dad planted some of the seeds for me and within a few days they had sprouted and started coming up. It is very nommable. Yesterday, I went onto the deck with Mom and immediately ate some. A few minutes later I meowed at the door to go in, and I ran onto the basement staircase landing (carpeted), and barfed it all up. Don't you think it was considerate of me not to want to barf on the deck and instead to go to the comfort of inside first?
Th other reason this is a special day, is that it is Mo Cats Day. In honor of Mo Cats Day, I am going to do TWO posts, so look later for the second one! That way, I will be helping to INCREASE the amount of catblogging on the internet!
Congratulations on your 250th post!!!
ReplyDeleteConcatulations on your 250th post! That was nice of your dad to plant you a catgrass plant and good job of barfing up inside and not on your deck!
ReplyDeleteYour 250th post is certainly a landmark, but I think it is especially laudatory that you chose to get rid of your nommed grass on the carpeted staircase landing instead of the deck. Paws up for a great job!
ReplyDeleteCongrats my friend!!!!! And that looks like some nommy grass!!
ReplyDeleteConcats on the 250th post and not so concats on the barfing. Why oh why did you rush indoors, sweetie???
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 250!! And yes, we think it was VERY considerate not to barf on the deck. Nobuddy wants to have to wash off the deck!
Congrats on your 250th post, Simba!! Here's to many more!! We're sorry you barfed up all that good grass...well, guess you were just making room for more!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 250th post!
ReplyDeleteAnd barfing up the cat grass *inside* was absolutely appropriate. Especially since you did it in comfort on the carpet. Who wants to be on bare wood when hoarking up grass or a hairball?
Happy 250 Simba. Well done on barfing indoors, you make me proud.
ReplyDeleteGood work barfing inside! There's something quite wonderful about being able to sink our claws into the carpet to make the whole process easier.
ReplyDeleteIt was nice of you to barf inside, Simba. Much more cozy.
ReplyDeleteGood idea doing two posts today, that will definitely mean "Mo" cats on the interwebs!
Oh my cats...I LOVE catgrass and I'm the only one in our family that does. Um (drool)...I'm coming over.
Happy 250th Post! Good for you!
ReplyDeleteCats and barf ~ oh yes ~ how come in a house full of linoleum and laminate flooring, Banjo goes to the only 10 by 10 square feet of carpet that we have in the whole house??? Oh you kitties... :)
xo Catherine
ReplyDeleteIt has been my experience that cat barf and carpeting go together like PB & J! Sorry for the food reference but it was the most recognizable combination I could think of. Yes Simba best not to barf on the deck - LOL!
Congratulations on your 250th post, that is amazing :-)
Concats on your 250 posts. Yes, that was very thoughtful of you to go inside to barf. Grass makes us barf too.
ReplyDeleteWe are glad your fresh catnip plants are now growing!
Concats on your 250th post!
That is terrific!
The Mo the Merrier! On cats and posts! Concats!
ReplyDeleteWe missed your 250th post! Rats!
ReplyDeleteMommy has figured out why we like to barf on the carpet: We like to be able to grip while we heave! It came to her the last time she was ill and holding on to the big white Bean-litterbox for all she was worth.
We guess it's true that Beans have their best ideas on the potty! heh heh,