Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sunspot Saturday

I pleaded to go out on my deck first thing this morning, but my folks explained how extremely cold it was out there. So I found a bit of sunspot on the table: I can't even say it is a WARM sunspot at 9 am in the morning, but the brightness cheers me up a little. I can also look out the window and I even heard (but didn't see) the neighbors' darg. Just between you and me, there is a bit of passive aggressiveness about getting on the dining room table again! Dad said I can go on the deck when things have warmed up a little.


  1. I like to lie on dining room table, too.

  2. Sunbathing the way to go!! You look very coooozzzyyyy :)

  3. On thing for sure, Simba, you are among the most delicious things that have been on this dining table. Gorgeous!

  4. One of ours (we have 6), Bogart Wrigley, likes to lay on the kitchen floor right over the furnace, or right on a heat vent!

  5. Oh the sun! I remember what that is.

  6. You look so handsome today Simba!

  7. That sun looks good on you, Simba!

  8. The sun feels good. We are hoping for a little sun today, and then the weatherman says it will rain for five days. Ugh.

  9. You look so happy and handsome in the sunbeam Simba!

  10. Dude, you come here and hang in our sunbeams (when we get them that is!!!)

    Mummy has a message for you too:

    I think it is just a coincidence - I know quite a few people with non-purebred cats here, but there do seem to be more people with purebred cats than I found when I lived in North America. Not sure why that would be?

    We got Inigo (Ragdoll) because the Rumbledad had never had a cat before, and he wanted to make sure that we got a cat that would be happy indoors - he'd read that Ragdolls were bred to be indoors cats, and so we went that way.

    Personally I think all cats are perfect, beautiful and smart - it doesn't matter if they're purebred or not. Simba for example is so perfect that if he lived close you'd have to watch out that I didn't catnap him ;)

  11. Ooo, here is my email address... if your humans come out this way let us know! (we hope they bring you!)

  12. Simba, you look so handsome in the sunbeams. We hope you get some warmth soon.

  13. Simba, we think it must be just a coincidence that the Kiwi kitty bloggers are purebred. Mum has had cats in her house since she was born, about 4 decades ago, and they were all moggies and either from friends litters or the local shelter.

    When mums last moggie died, Puss Angel, mum thought she would love to get a British shorthair, and thought it may be her only opportunity to get 'posh' cat.

    Mum was glad she got me, as our breed like there feet on the floor (ie we don't jump up and climb on things), we are quite lazy and sleep a lot and like to stay close to home.

    One of her friends has two Burmese kitties, which are really popular here, and they are crazy. Every day when she gets home, something is wrecked. We wish those naughty cats had a blog, it would be funny.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  14. We had a bright and sunny Sunday, back to clouds today. Mum says she kept Opal away from the nip mat until the end when she just let her wander around to see what she would do. She sat under the chair, then jumped up on the chair. That is the only time mum took moovies as she wanted to concentrate on Opal, not taking moovies.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. The dining table is tops. Maybe a little blankie to keep you warm in this cold winter?

  17. Ha! That's funny. You must have asked why there are so many purebred cat bloggers in NZ. We noticed that too.
    We think that NZ as an island has a very precious ecosystem with lots of special plants and animals. They can't allow for a big population of stray cats (shudder). Wasn't the kiwi bird attacked by cats?
