Thursday, November 5, 2009


When I sit or lie on the arm of this chair, my Dad brushes me. It is the only place I like to be brushed. It makes me VERRRRRRRRRY happy. I much prefer Dad to brush me than Mom. I am inclined to put the bitey on Mom when she does it (because she tries to sneak in some brushes on my floofy belly and that is a no no).

C'mon, Dad! Finish raking the leaves and come and give me some brushing! Otherwise I will hack up a huge hairball just to show you how much loose fur I have.


  1. Looking at that photo, Simba, we suspect that brushing you is a daunting task! We hope your wait is short and your dad's hands gentle!

  2. You a one big gorgeous floof ball today, Simba. Enjoy your brushing!

    Purrs, Busby and Raymond

  3. You do have a lot of floof to brush, Simba! We hope your dad brushes you soon!

  4. Well perhaps I can send you the male. I don't like him to even touch me much less brush me! Even Gemini prefers the Woman and she has some floof like you!!!

  5. Carrot and stick - like it! But brushing you must be a humongous task as you're v v fluffy...
