Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Confessions

It really wasn't HALF the night that we kept the folks up Saturday night, but for some crazy reason, Simba decided at about 3:30 am that he wanted to go INTO the kitchen where Audrey was sleeping in her bed.    Mom was lying on the couch watching a little quiet tv the way she often does if she wakes up early, because it usually puts her back to sleep quickly.    Simba scratched and scratched on the door, so woke Audrey, who started to cry.   Mom opened the door so everybody could go through it in either direction, but refused to give any food.   So for the following 2 hours we prevented her dozing off  again by both trying to "sleep" with her on the couch.  Simba did not like Audrey snuggling with mom, Audrey did not stay still for long, constantly jumping up onto the couch and then down, mewing and poking at Mom, making her itchy, etc.   Finally Mom dozed off, Dad got up and fed us around 6:00, then HE went back to sleep!!   It was definitely discombobulated.    So we slept a lot of the morning ourselves.

We did enjoy going on the deck once we surfaced, though.   It was a nice day here.


  1. Are you having fun with your new friend, Simba? You two look furry happy together.

  2. Sounds like it was a wild night!!!

  3. Wait...Your mom was awake at 3:30AM (that's about when ours gets up each day) and *didn't* give you food? OMC! You had to wait until 6AM? How did you ever manage?!

  4. he he - poor mom. You two certainly were keeping her busy. I hope she took a nap later in the day.

  5. Sometimes you have to get started a wee bit early!

  6. MOL!!!!!!!!! And that is why our mama leaves food in our dishes every night before she goes to bed!!!!!!!!

    Happy Monday, darlins' and love to y'all.

  7. I hope you have a nice quiet night tonight you two :)xx

  8. It all sounds purrfectly reasonable to us, Simba. A man-cat has to do what a man-cat has to do... and sometimes that includes staying up a nights.

  9. If only they had fed you.. but we know how that goes. It happens some nights around here when we are just too noisy.

  10. Goodness, that does sound just like our house. Mom has laid down the law lately and no midnight snacks anymore.
    We are thrilled to be back and sure did miss you Simba. Glad to hear things have changed. Take care.

  11. Hehehe - late night chats with the girlcat, eh Simba! Sounds like you are becoming good pals- until it comes to who gets closest to mom! Lucky you could sleep it aƶ off.....

  12. Now that is some excellent insomniac teamwork!

  13. At least I am glad to see your humans catered to your whims! What's a little lost sleep when the kitties are contented?

  14. Sorry, last time I commented I thought Audrey was a boy -- likely because she so resembles my boy, Dylan!

    I refuse to get up too early to feed kitties, too, but I will give a few pats and a kiss or two before going back to sleep.

    Basically, I think kitties know that if they hassle us long enough, eventually they'll get what they want!

  15. It's me again! I was wondering if you would be interested in being LOL-Cats? All I need is your permission to copy picture from your blog first.

    In case you're not familiar with my LOL-Spot, here's the site:

    Just leave a comment on any of my blogs if you'd like me to do it!


  16. That sounds like our house!

    Abby purrs

  17. Closed doors always get us going too so it's good your mom was up so she could open it. I wake my mommy up at 5am every day because I want under the covers with her. I know she doesn't mind though even if she's always tired because she has to get up so early.

    We're surprised to see Audrey outside without her harness. You must have taught her how to stay on the deck Simba!


  18. Oh dear it sounds as though you had a bit of an up and down night. Your poor mum must have been tired. I hope she got a rest later.. Hugs GJ xx

  19. Life with cherished cats, sounds like to me and mommy. xoxo

  20. Well, you all had a crazy night!!

  21. Now, see, why is it that the Humans don't get that most of these problems could be settled over a nice plate of toona? Is that so hard to understand?

  22. Aw, your poor sleep-deprived mom. I hope you and Audrey are getting along ok!

  23. The boys do that too... They get up super early and won't let HH sleep. They think that they are gonna get there food at 3am or so, but I know better. HH is too smart for that... HEE HEE.

    have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max
