Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tummy Tuesday

Sorry for the delay in posting. Mom uses her allergies as an excuse not to blog - I don't see the connection, unless it is that she doesn't like it for the nose-leaky stuff to drip in the keyboard.

Here for your viewing pleasure is my floofy tummy - just remember, I don't actually like anybody to touch it, so if you have plans to snorgle your face into it, you will probably end up with a bitey!


  1. It really is such a waste not to be able to touch that lovely floofy tummy!

  2. I'm gonna git you! I'll be in and out quick, I promise :).
    ~Lisa Co9t

  3. Sammy here: I react the same way to snorgling, Simba.......

    Andy here: I love be snorgled!!!!!!!

  4. Simba, you are quite the tease, showing off your floofy ginger belly but refusing to let anyone snorgle it.

  5. I love your belly ......
    looks so soft and sweet !!
    Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

  6. That floofy tummy is way too tempting to not snorgle it! We like being snorgling around here!

  7. *puts on the glove and then goes in for scritchies*
    I can't resist! I love fluffy kitty bellies!

  8. Seeing that floofy belly...it was worth the wait!

  9. I think my mom would risk it to fluff that belleh!
