Thursday, April 22, 2010

In the Garden on Thursday

I see Dad needs to rake out this bed around the shrubs. Mom likes things not to look too "wild". Dad probably figures the leaves make good mulch.

I did get a new catnip plant on the deck, and some herbs for Mom for me to look after. I don't have a pic to show yet, so you will just have to believe me. I will try for a picture next week.


  1. How lucky you are to get a new catnip plant!

  2. You look wild my friend, the garden doesn't need to!! You're the tiger in the plants!

  3. Hmmm ... re the mulch ... that's a bit like our dad explaining that weeds are really rather pretty and shudn't be vicitmised.

  4. Isn't it nice to get outside, Simba?? Our dad thinks the leaves make good mulch too...but our mom doesn't think so....

  5. Looks like a good Earth Day at your house, Simba!

  6. Those leaves look like they'd be fun to play in but the catnip does sound better!

  7. Sounds like your planting season is on its way!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  8. New catnip!? That sounds pawsome!
