Monday, January 2, 2012

Mancat Monday

Dad tried to be clever with the camera on Christmas Day and got this picture of me under the coffee table in the living room.     Note that I was on the "fancy rug" that I almost threw up on a few minutes later.    But, really, it was all dad's fault - he had bought Mom some pretty roses a few days before, and they were on the kitchen table.     I couldn't resist the greenery with the flowers and had myself a nice little snack of it while they were chatting on the phone with my human brother.   All their fault - right?

Fortunately we left the white poinsettia on the coffee table (just slightly visible) alone.  


  1. Whew - so glad you didn't eat the pointsetta - they are dangerous. he he - I love eating greenery too. Yummmm For sure it's your dad's fault!!!

  2. It's ALWAYS the humans' fault, Simba, one way or another.

    Very pretty rug, too. Would anyone have noticed a barf stain? Ha.

  3. Of course it is their fault. And if you are not usually allowed on that rug, it makes it even more attractive to vomit on.

  4. I'm glad you didn't bomit on the pretty rug. It's fun to bomit sometimes,just to watch the humans clean it up....mol
    xoxo Kassey

  5. I like your place to hang out and the artistic rendition of it! And really, I mean, who would notice a little cat puke on that carpet? It would add to the design...

  6. Oh Derby loves to chew on flowers. We will show blankie pictures in a couple of days. All done and mum has it packed up to take to work tomorrow.

  7. I love what Kassey said! How true!!!

    Mom Carole

  8. It certainly was their fault! We're glad you are okay though Simba!

  9. Simba, we totally would have eaten the roses too! Roughage is an important part of a healthy diet.

    Mommy: *sigh*

  10. We wouuld have had a chew on the roses too. We like to chew the new shoots on the roses in the garden. For some strange reason mum doesn't like us doing that.

  11. It was probably the excitement of being on the fancy rug that brought on the vomiting - LOL!!!

  12. Bomit is as Bomit does. Right, Simba?

  13. Of course it's their fault. It's always their fault. Yak makes efurry day more speshul. MOL!

  14. that's why my mom won't let Dad give her flowers anymore. She says they are a waste of money cause she has to keep them out of my way....yes Mario is right, that poinsettia is super poisonous...I would move that for sure!

  15. It's ALWAYS the human's fault if some plant they left lying around causes you to hack up stuff. If they had not brought it in, you would have nothing to hack up, right?

  16. Oh! We has a glass-top coffee table too and the Human thinks she is being all "artsy" when she takes a picture of me under it. Hey--there's so much design in that rug, who could even TELL if you bomited on it anyway?!?! It might even look prettier!

  17. Well, it was definitely your dad's fault! He shouldn't be tempting you like that!!

  18. Hey Simba! You've got to keep your nose out of the flowers, sweetie!
