Saturday, June 11, 2011

Photo Hunt - Triangle

Mom couldn't find any new credible triangle pictures related to me (as we did this theme last year), so these are from their trip to Florida. The first is from the regatta they watched:

And this one is a telephoto shot from when Dad did a bit of kite flying. It makes the kite look a lot closer to those balconies than it really was.


  1. I think it's a nice one for theme " triangle "
    Look great for weekend : )

  2. Wow, your dad is much braver than M would be. No kite flying for her.

  3. We think those are great triangles. It is fun to watch those sail boats. Hope you have a great week end. Take care.

  4. Yep, I think those triangles look like lots of fun!

  5. Great ideas for your 'triangle' theme.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Oh Simba you are playing PH just like our mommy. Her post would like a visit from your mommy - it's at

    On the other hand, I'd like you to check us out at our place. See you there.

    Emma and Buster.

  7. Those are great pictures of triangles. Have a great day....

    pawhugs, Max

  8. Sailboats! Those are for humans! Good take on the theme.

  9. I hope they don't run the triangle theme again. Between this one and the last one, we are about triangled out. Next time, my human would have to go out and buy something for us!

    Oh, wait a minute - I DO hope they run it again!

  10. Those triangles make our mommy want to go to the beach! Lovely photos!

  11. Yes, you did it! You slayed the blogger monster at your pace. Now I can visit!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  12. Verry interesting. For other people to know, what I changed for Gracie was to have the comments appear as a pop up rather than under the post. Who knows why that causes the "monster" to die.

  13. These are nice triangles, specially the kites!

    The Human is the assistant principal of a high school and one of her jobs is being in charge of the gradyooation every year, so it was not her (or me!) who gradyooated.

    She is always soooooooo happy when it is over!!!

  14. Simba
    That was one of the work arounds for the commenting dilemma!
