Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Snowy Selfie

No, *I* am not in the snow.   But we do have fresh snow here.   Dad is preparing to go out and shovel it.  

I am joining the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop hosted by the Kitties Blue at The Cat on My Head.


  1. Isn't it much nicer to be on a soft blankie than in the cold snow? We got a bunch yesterday but it rained in the night so a lot of it is gone. You look absolutely beautiful in your selfie, Simba!

  2. Great selfie Simba! Stay warm in the houise while Dad goes out to shovel.

  3. Looking good Simba!!! Old Man Winter needs to knock it off.

  4. A blankie is much better than the snow Simba.

  5. Simba that blankie is much nicer than snow and warmer too.
    Stay warm
    Great Selfie.
    ~Annabelle, Boo, Ping, Jinx

  6. You have the best job: stay inside while someone else shovels.
    --Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  7. Yep, this time of year is just fun, fun, fun for East Coast humans! My human loves it back there, but every winter she reminds herself about the realities of living with four seasons and rethinks moving.

  8. Do you have to supervise when your peeps go out to shovel? I find I have to supervise mine or they mess everythin' up. Luckily, I can usually supervise from inside.


    1. No, I can't easily see where Dad shovels from inside the house, so I just take a nap and let him get on with it. He went and shoveled and snowblowered our elderly neighbors' driveway too, today - which is pretty funny because he is no spring chicken himself!

  9. You are so right to stay inside :) Warm Pawkisses :) <3

  10. You are selfie picture purrfect. We have bunches of snow here, but we finally got to go out on the catio today after elebenty billion days of super frigid weather. Our mommy sends you a kiss for your sweet pink nose. Thanks so much for joining our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. Your white blankie looks really comfortable

  12. I think humans are good for things like shovelling snow and opening tins and stuff!! ;) Great selfie, Simba xx

  13. Lovely selfie. We have snow here in Oklahoma, too. Pfffffft!

  14. Good thing you are not in the snow right now. It is really cold on our pawsies! I should know - efurry day I try to go owtside and it is so cold I come back in within one minute. You look like you would be really warm in our snow.

  15. And that's what Dads are for...the heavy lifting, right? Stay cozy!

  16. Lovely selfie of a handsome mancat. Woo woooo! xoxo

  17. Simba, you must be getting the snow that we got yesterday. That's a good looking selfie!

  18. Oh Simba i thinkz you in the bset spot MOL...stay warm..paw pats Dinnermintz xx

  19. Whoa! Glad you’re NOT in the snow. All that fresh snow has melted and turned to ice making everything slippery as heck.

  20. I'm glad you don't have to shovel that mess, Simba!

  21. Simba, that is a terrific selfie of you. Glad you don't have to shovel the snow. We are getting snow this morning. You all have a great Tuesday.

  22. I know you guys have snow, I am impressed how much snow the USA and Canada can make between them!! Stay warm, and stay safe!

  23. Nice selfie, Simba! We hope that shoveling wasn't too tough on your Dad!

  24. What a lovely selfie - and we're glad YOU didn't have to go out in that white schtuff!

  25. You're lucky you didn't have to go out and shovel. They just showed a dog on tv that was shoveling. Silly dog!
    Stay warm!
    Gus, Pearl, and Jaq

  26. What a splendid picture, and a very sensible cat - no-one goes out in the snow for ANYthing!

    PS we get snow once every 30 years.....
