Saturday, September 22, 2012

Photo Hunt - Escape

Yes, kitties, in the past I HAVE managed to ESCAPE from the deck and go out into the yard.     Less so lately because Dad watches us both more carefully on the deck because he does not know if Audrey would know how to come back if she were to escape.       But here is a picture  of me after I escaped one time, just enjoying the leaves and grass.   it was So much fun!


  1. Ahhh yes, the taste of freedom - how sweet it is. I have to be tethered to a harness and leash, so I know how you feel. I did the great escape one time, but it was kinda scary out there.

  2. Ahhh yes, the taste of freedom - how sweet it is. I have to be tethered to a harness and leash, so I know how you feel. I did the great escape one time, but it was kinda scary out there.

  3. It is really fun to be outside but it can be kind of scary. Some of us do love to climb the trees outside and look for varmits to chase. Hope you have a great week end.

  4. We're glad your dad watches you two so there's no more escapes! That little taste of freedom did look like fun though!

  5. Nicki applauds you and encourages you to keep escaping! :-p

  6. Heyyyy! How did you escape a LEASH? That's what we wanna know! What's your secret?

  7. your parents were probably having fits but you don't look the least bit upset!

  8. Sure looks like you enjoyed your escape. I still beg Mom to let me escape, but she can't trust me. And I refuse the leash.
    xoxo Kassey

    Mom said, ' Thank you so much for the feeder info.' She'll check it out.

  9. That grass looks great! What a great picture!

    I saw your comment on Kassey's blog about timed feeders and was wondering if you could recommend one. I have two kitties that like to binge and purge and drive me crazy at night. I'm interested in how these work. Thanks!

  10. My human does not have a photo of the time ALL three of us escaped! The kitchen door was ajar and we all snuck out. The only reason she noticed was she saw my tail slipping out the door. But you know what? She told us to come back in "right now!" and we did!

  11. Thanks so much for the info on the timed feeder. I appreciate it. I'm going to look into it. I wanted to mention the uncanny similarities between our Simba and yours. Our Simba is also orange, thin, eats very slowly and never overeats. Our two girl kitties, Lucy and Annie, love food, eat theirs in record time and then push Simba out of the way to eat his.

  12. Escaping is fun...but we're glad you come home!

  13. You be careful out there, if a roaming Rumblemum saw you she'd scoop you up for a cuddle!
