Thursday, April 5, 2012

Indoor Gardening Thursday


Dad enjoys orchids and we usually have one plant in the house.     Usually the plant is purchased with flowers on it and once the flowers are over it has not always been easy to get the plant to produce another set of flowers.   Dad has nurtured and tended this plant all through the winter, without any flowers, and now it has three stems of buds, and the first bud has opened up.    Great excitement here!!

(The small blue item in the pot is a glass decorative dragonfly).


  1. Wow - that is a gorgeous plant. M said she's always wanted to try one of those, but she knows our house doesn't get enough light. She'll just have to enjoy your pictures.

  2. Your dad has grown a beautiful plant. CONGRATULATIONS! to him.

  3. That is so pretty, your Daddy done good!

  4. Wow, your dad is good! Orchids are fussy, or so we've been told. Our human would probably kill it within a week, possibly less. LOL.

    We have a long Easter weekend here, so will wish you all a very happy Easter now! We hope the Easter Bunny brings yummy treats!

  5. I am SO glad he had such success this year after all the work put into it. It's a beauty!

  6. That is exciting. That happens to our orchids all the time too.

  7. WOW, that IS exciting AND hard to do. Does your dad have any tips for the hopeless Woman who will problably get one soon?

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  8. Awesome! My human used to have a black orchid that she kept in the window above her shower in an old apartment where she used to live. It did quite well for a while!

  9. Concatulations to the Dad! It's beautiful.

  10. What a beautiful orchid!

    Truffle and Brulee

  11. The Human is beyond impressed! She has NEFUR been able to coax an orchid to bloom again. Big Props to your Dad, guys. Hmmm, it looks kind of tasty....

  12. What a beautiful coloured orchid and Mum says your Dad has done a great job getting it to produce all those new buds.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. That's very pretty! What a beautiful color!

  14. Thank you for not seeing anything naughty going on between me and that table leg Simba! Ha ha meow! Wel,, just let efurrybuddy use his 'maginations!

  15. The orchid is gorgeous. Congratulations to your Dad. My Mom is hopeless with houseplants.

