Friday, May 7, 2010

Good Kitty Club

I am proud to announce that I have become a charter member of the Good Kitty Club. My badge is on my sidebar. (Thanks, Rumblemum, the badge is beeyootifull!). This club was started by Inigo Flufflebum, because he is such a good kitty, by comparison with his more mischievous brother, D'Artagnan Rumblepurr, who is a member of the NAUGHTY Kitty Club. My Mom says that in most ways I am truly a good kitty. I don't climb on counters, am disinterested in people-food and never bother my parents during meals, I never awaken my parents for food in the morning etc. Please immediately forget any stories you have heard about escaping, hissing, etc. Eradicate them from your memories. They never happened.


  1. Welcome to the club, Simba, from one good kitty to another!

    - Nimbus

  2. I think it is great you are a good kitty. So am I. Completely.

  3. I guess I am in the Bad Girls Club.

  4. Thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes.

  5. Aww, thanks my friend! You really are a good kitty :)


  6. Well, Simba...we can't lie...we are naughty kitties through and through.

    But we love that badge....

  7. Concatulations Simba! We knew you were a good kitty - we are too even if we aren't members of the club but we still like being good kitties!

  8. Wow, you ARE a good kitty Simba! (all else is forgotten! MOL!)

  9. The badges are so pretty! I am a member too!
