Friday, October 24, 2014

New Rug

My humans have a new old rug in the family room.     Do you like it?  It belonged to my human grandfather.       I kinda like it.    But Mom says I am not allowed to throw up on it.     I don't know about that.  I think a hairball would add a certain something that is missing.


  1. Simba, of course it would be improved with a hairball or three! Better than that, even, would be to use it for "toilet paper," as Nicki does with our area rug. ;-)

  2. That sure is a pretty rug Simba. But you really should try to put them somewhere else except that rug. You all have a most wonderful week end.

  3. That is a beautiful new old rug and you look so handome on it. I think a hairball would improve that chair.

  4. My human bought a new-new rug (it was here when I got here) and can you believe it was weeks before anyone threw up on it? The winner was Binga.

    Not sure what to tell your human about you not puking there, Simba. When a kitty's gotta puke, a kitty's gotta puke.

  5. Good to see you Simba !
    Tee...heh..heh..actually , it's me..I didn't blog much in these day :)
    Do miss you LOTS !
    Simba, no wonder you do like the Beautiful Rug, and the artistic like you , Do have a dream
    ((( happy hug )))

  6. That is a very pretty rug! As for the hairball, when you gotta, you gotta! :)

  7. It's a very nice rug, Simba. And it would look good with a nice hairball on it. ;)

  8. It's lovely, but a hairball would give it that purrsonal touch!

  9. IS a fairly large rug. How could you miss?

  10. No rug is ever complete without a hairball - and the colours would match perfectly.

  11. Simba! You know as do the rest of us that we ARE allowed to thrown up any danged where we please. To help with that and make the throw ups more spectacular than ever, ask your mom to get you Laxatone. That;s what MY mommy got me and within 24 hrs. I had a hairball like no other! Better put than in!! On the carpet of course. But she knows that's what it's for.

    Lookin' good, Simba! Lookin' good. Wanna come on over? I have a soft spot for gingers.

  12. Mum is tuned into my brain as she's always knows when I'm going to hork and she's there with a kitchen roll or if quicker than expected I'm tossed onto a tiled floor and not allowed where there is any carpet!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. TEXTURE, SImba. We agree. Hork up a GOOD one!

  14. Simba, we're not allowed to yak on our area rug, either. We really try to abide by that, really we do.

  15. Peeps and their rules. They're simply never happy unless they're makin' rules. MOUSES!


  16. You know, when a guy feels the urge, it doesn't matter where he is...rug or no gotta do what you gotta do!

    I've lost a lot of weight, too, but mine is due to kidney disease. Have you been checked for that?


  17. Simba, there isn't a rug made that cannot be improved by a nice big hairball.

